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Factor y la implementación de la industria 4.0


En Factor impulsamos la producción sostenible y de alta calidad en decoletaje y mecanizado de precisión mediante la integración de tecnologías como IoT, Big Data e Inteligencia Artificial para mejorar la eficiencia, la sostenibilidad y la precisión en nuestros procesos. Una apuesta decidida por la industria 4.0 con la misión de ganar competitividad internacional, atraer talento innovador e influir positivamente en el entorno medioambiental.


Conocedores del impacto de la industria en nuestro planeta, en Factor hemos reforzado nuestro compromiso medioambiental en una permanente búsqueda transversal de la excelencia. De forma concreta, la estrategia en el área de operaciones relativa a la implementación de tecnologías y metodologías de industria 4.0, como BigData o IA, nos están permitiendo reducir considerablemente el consumo energético y los residuos materiales.

Estos resultados vienen a avalar que la fabricación sostenible por la que apostamos, es el presente de la industria. Desde nuestra posición, invitamos a otras empresas a unirse en este camino hacia un futuro más verde y próspero para todos.


Los beneficios de la implementación de tecnologías vinculadas al concepto industria 4.0  redundan en una mayor eficiencia y productividad. Se mejora notablemente la calidad de la toma de decisiones y se amplifica la flexibilidad; aspectos que influyen de forma determinante en la competitividad.

Un caso concreto. En Factor hemos implementado la monitorización en tiempo real de procesos operacionales. Esta ayuda nos permite predecir consumos y optimizar ciertas operaciones, información que el técnico visualiza y, de forma intuitiva, toma decisiones que mejoran el proceso. De esta manera identificamos simultáneamente áreas de mejora en la calidad de producto.


Tanto sostenibilidad como calidad, van de la mano con nuestra incesante búsqueda de resultados, que contribuyen a poder trabajar con modelos creativos de innovación abierta. La tecnología nos facilita la transformación, pero la cooperación con agentes del cambio en el ecosistema industrial es prioritario y fundamental. Juega un papel crucial para Factor.

Es por ello, que amplificamos nuestra llamada a la colaboración a Universidades, Centros de Investigación e Instituciones Tecnológicas, para continuar estableciendo alianzas que aporten ventajas competitivas y capacidades disruptivas a industrias europeas como la nuestra.

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Imagen del encuentro anual 2024 de todo el equipo de Factor.

Annual #TeamFactor 2024 Meeting

Last Saturday, January 27, we hosted the traditional annual meeting of the whole Factor team, a milestone that significantly marks the beginning of each business year.

The day began with an inspiring speech by our CEO, who shared the key indicators that have guided the company's path over the last 8 years. During this presentation, we were visual witnesses of our progress, evidencing a constant and sustained growth that confirms the strength of the Factor industrial project.

In words of Fernando Gastaldo, "The strength, longevity and magnitude of the sequoias are due to the mutual support and assistance". A statement that curiously set the tone of the day.

Subsequently, the agenda led us to explore the company's strategic objectives for the next 3 years. Firstly, we will focus on open innovation connected to the knowledge environment, establishing close collaboration with universities and technology centers. This will enable us to implement and apply advanced technology in our value processes.

Secondly, we will focus our attention on the group, following the analogy of the sequoias. The objective is to strengthen the skills of each team member, fostering collaboration and collective commitment to differentiate ourselves and face the new challenges that the near future presents us with greater guarantees. Precisely, this 2023 has been a year of many changes. We have shown that we are ready to adapt to the sector's conditions and to be flexible in order to give the team the best of ourselves.

To conclude the day and before enjoying a joint lunch, the management team made up of José Gastaldo (Sales Director), Antonio Zarza (Production Director), Alfredo Gimenez (Innovation Director), Roberto Andrade (Processes Director), Mónica Grau (Quality Director), Juanjo Ocaña (Operations Director) and Ana Sánchez (People Director), shared their impressions and new projects in a "round table" open to participation, which turned out to be one of the highlights of the day.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the people and organizations that contribute to Factor's sustainability and growth. We wish you all a safe journey in this new year and we look forward to seeing you again next year!

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Factor avanza en sus procesos de innovación durante 2024

2024, a new year for Factor's innovation processes

As an industrial project in Europe, Factor faces the near future with the determination to gain in international competitiveness and adaptability to the technological challenges demanded by digital transformation.

To this end, we are immersed in a strategic plan whose main axis is called innovation, in products, processes and technologies; useful for improving solutions for our customers.

In the plan we are developing, there is a very specific line of action: the development of the Data Culture. Data in our business operations is the value that helps us to improve all business variables. Times, processes, materials, use of tools, machine availability, product quality, etc. Through data capture, analysis and visualization tools, we are able to generate the analytical capacity to improve processes and therefore, value for the customer.

One of the fundamental infrastructures for the development of this type of processes associated with ICT is the 5G. In this line, Factor collaborates with the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI) of Valencia to develop a private 5G network that will allow us to implement the applications and technologies that we are in the process of developing with better efficiency and productivity parameters.

These applications are associated, on the one hand, with the automation of the current lathes and numerical control centers, as well as new robotization projects that will help us to reduce times in preparation, loading/unloading and logistics processes. On the other hand, the low latency internal 5G network will provide our team with information and training in real time through augmented and virtual reality, as well as the necessary data for detailed analysis of industrial and business processes.

To this end, in 2023 we completed the implementation of Power BI, a Microsoft business intelligence service that has enabled us to customize new dashboards for data visualization by integrating multiple sources of information from our processes. In addition, the software helps us to make faster and more effective decisions thanks to advanced data analysis and the collaboration of team members who share these reports.

Herein lies our most important "tangible". The Factor team. Professionals who, thanks to their perseverance and ability to learn, develop an autonomous and collaborative work that allows us to improve 1% every day. This is the way. Small steps that improve our agility, the main Factor of our transformation.

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On the road to Quality 4.0

At Factor we are involved for several years in the evolution of our processes, technologies and organizational philosophy towards Industry 4.0.

There is a lot of discussion about this term, although to be specific, for us it involves the team's intellectual adaption in the way of doing things and the technological implementation. This is mainly based on automation and digitization, with specific examples in data exchange, cloud computing, artificial intelligence applied to processes, the internet of things (IoT) and 3D printing. In short, we develop our "core" solutions with a better focus on efficiency, sustainability and productivity. This is our mission.

On this path, quality management is of course a cross-cutting dynamic. At Factor, it is essential to interconnect manufacturing systems and processes, something we have achieved thanks to the new ERP system, which has been fully operational since mid-2023, our own Factor Self-Control System and the internal development of an App for managing non-conformities. It should be noted that the current ERP is for us a complete solutions ecosystem, which among other functionalities, allows us to schedule the best production flow and expand the functions of quality control and traceability.

The implementation of these technologies in the management of our Total Quality Management system is therefore an important support to improve our agility and adaptability to change, being able to predict any potential deviation in our production. For example, the integrated system has the ability to prevent the parts manufacturing out of control limits, alerting if the parts we manufacture are in tolerance, between defined safety limits or out of specification.

This new way of managing production, and therefore quality, helps us to maintain higher quality standards, reduce waste and scrap and therefore, to advance in a better efficiency that allows us to compete in the market in better conditions for our customers.

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Factor's Complaints Channel is now available

We continue to prioritize professional ethics, transparency and regulatory compliance in all our operations. As part of our commitment to these values, we are announcing the development and implementation of the Whistleblower Channel, a permanently operational platform to ensure that our stakeholders have a secure, effective and immediate means of reporting any irregularities or misconduct in the organization or in our supply chain.

What is the Complaints Channel?

Our Complaints Channel is a digital platform operational as of today, November 15, 2023, that provides our employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders with a direct communication channel with Factor to file complaints in cases of non-compliance with regulations, unethical conduct, abuse of power, discrimination or any other action contrary to our values.

Key Features:

  • Legal Compliance: Our Complaints Channel complies with all Spanish regulations and laws related to complainant protection and handling of complaints.
  • Ease of Use: We have designed the complaint submission process to be simple and accessible, allowing stakeholders to report efficiently and securely.
  • Accountability: We are committed to investigating all reports impartially and taking appropriate action if irregularities are confirmed.
  • Confidentiality: We guarantee that reports will be kept strictly confidential and that no retaliatory action will be taken against whistleblowers.

How to Use Our Complaint Channel?

Log in to our website and follow the instructions to submit your report anonymously or by providing your contact information, depending on your preference.
Provide specific details about the report, including the date, location and any other relevant information.
Submit your report securely.

Our Commitment

Thank you for trusting us and being part of our commitment to integrity, honesty and professional ethics.

If you have any questions or need assistance in using our Complaints Channel, please do not hesitate to contact our team at this email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

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