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Factory of the Future at a Glance

Factor participates in the XXIII Advanced Manufacturing Congress.

A few days after the XXIII Advanced Manufacturing Congress, masterfully organized by AFM Cluster and held from October 25 to 27 at the Science and Technology Park of Guipúzkoa, it is time to take stock of what we experienced there.

The Congress brought together brilliant minds and industry leaders to reflect on the future of manufacturing and the disruptive technologies that will shape it. Figures such as Iñaki Gabilondo and Pedro Echenique inspired us with their vision. Exciting topics were explored, from 5G to robotics and sustainability, with speakers from leading companies such as IE Business School, Microsoft, Teléfonica, IBM and Siemens, among others.

The second day was equally exciting, with examples of success in additive technology and discussions on the challenges of strategic sectors such as aeronautics, rail, automotive, energy and defense.

At the close of the congress, we highlighted two elements that we believe are crucial for the future of advanced manufacturing: sustainability and talent management. We learned from the best practices of companies such as Fagor, Ihobe, Airbus and Nidec Arisa. In addition, leaders in people management, such as Lantek, Nidec Arisa and MIK, shared strategies for attracting young talent to their organizations. And Xavier Marcet closed the congress by highlighting the importance of leadership as a catalyst for this talent.

The Congress is undoubtedly a must for all companies looking for a roadmap on strategy, technology and people management for the factories of the 21st century.

Are you ready for the future of advanced manufacturing?

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Retrato de Roberto Andrade en las oficinas de Factor

Roberto Andrade joins Factor as Process Engineering and Maintenance Director.

We continue to advance in the comprehensive improvement of our value chain, this time in the Process Engineering department, a cornerstone in the development of manufacturing processes and essential to our customer service.

Roberto joins the operations area, under the supervision of Juan José Ocaña, for the process standardization and automation, as well as the digitization of the plant to Industry 4.0
Roberto Andrade holds a Master's degree in Engineering, Mechanics and Materials and a degree in Industrial Mechanical Engineering from the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia. During the last 12 years he has held management and technical responsibility positions in the renewable energy and automotive sectors as head of continuous improvement, head of UAP (Autonomous Production Unit), production supervisor, process engineer or quality engineer.
This experience and his skills in data analysis and development of digital tools offer Factor's project a valuable capacity to manage and innovate our processes.

Welcome Roberto!

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Factor recibe el apoyo de la Comunitat Valenciana

Factor Ingeniería y Decoletaje S.L. ha recibido el apoyo de un proyecto de inversiones productivas por parte de la CONSELLERIA DE INNOVACIÓN, INDUSTRIA, COMERCIO Y TURISMO dentro de la convocatoria “Ayudas en materia de industrialización para inversiones de PYMES INDUSTRIALES de la Comunitat Valenciana que mejoren la competitividad y sostenibilidad de determinados sectores, dentro de la sexta fase de implantación del Plan Estratégico de la Industria Valenciana, para el ejercicio 2023 INPYME Industria.”

El objetivo del proyecto ha consistido en la modernización tecnológica de la capacidad productiva actual, habiendo adquirido un nuevo torno multitarea CNC y un equipo de medición tridimensional CMM. Asimismo, se apuesta además por la mejora de los procesos de comunicación y gestión interna, gracias a la implantación de un nuevo ERP en la estructura organizativa.

Valor: 54.039,13 €.
Nº de expediente: INPYME/2023/248.

  • Hits: 1291
Indicadores clave 2022 de Factor Ingeniería y Decoletaje

Factor shares its key indicators for the 2022 financial year

This step is a further demonstration of our commitment to our customers, employees and collaborators, and allows us to provide a more detailed view of our performance over the past year.

We believe in the value of transparency and engagement with our stakeholders. For this reason, we are sharing indicators that we believe are important for fiscal year 2022. First, we achieved significant revenue growth. Compared to 2021, we improved our revenues by 54%, reaching the figure of 9.1 million euros. This reflects the commitment and efforts of the entire team to increase the competitiveness of our services to customers around the world. In terms of international operations, we have seen significant improvements in our exports to Europe. Sales to countries such as France and Germany, among others in the European Union, increased by 5% compared to the previous year.

In addition to these economic figures, we are particularly proud of our job creation efforts during the year. We increased our workforce to more than 80 people, a significant growth of 28%. A team that is a fundamental pillar of our development, where the incorporation of new talent gives us the opportunity to continue innovating in the metallic industry and offering services of excellence in smart manufacturing.

On the other hand, the incorporation of agile methodologies has allowed us to provide internal training in a very innovative way. Especially at the technical level in the production, quality and engineering areas. This system reinforces the polyvalence of the staff and helps us to maintain a continuous training update of the staff. In this line, we have always considered professional development as a differentiating element for the sustainable growth of the company. For this reason, we would like to share with you three commitments that support our strategy:

1. Commitment to training and specialization. We maintain an 80-20 ratio between university education and specific studies.
2. Commitment to job stability. 93.5% of our team has a permanent contract, providing a stable work environment and promoting job quality.
3. Commitment to career development. In FY 2022, 93% of our employees were evaluated on their job performance, a practice that has allowed us to establish a constructive dialogue between our employees and their direct managers, thus promoting their technical and competency development.

If you would like to see these indicators in more detail, we invite you to consult them on our website:

These indicators are only a synthesis of our will to continue on the path of sustainable growth, the development of our team and the provision of quality solutions to our customers. Together, we hope to continue to achieve new goals and build an even more promising future.

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New CMM added to Factor's machinery park     

Hexagon Metrology's Global Lite and PC-DMIS CAD software, based on the Manufacturing Intelligence Enhanced Productivity concept, is becoming the fundamental quality tool for automating and optimizing the company's inspection and control processes.

In an ongoing effort to maintain high quality standards and gain operational efficiencies, we are pleased to announce the addition of a new coordinate measuring machine (CMM) to our machine fleet. 

The Global Lite will allow us to make accurate and reliable measurements to ensure the quality of our products. The combination of the Global Lite CMM and PC-DMIS CAD software provides us with a complete solution from data acquisition to analysis and reporting. This allows us to get faster and more accurate results, optimizing our resources and reducing production time.
The Global Lite 7.7.5 CMM offers reliable and accurate three-dimensional inspections with a maximum resolution of 0.1 μm and a high-resolution scale of 0.039 μm, while improving the efficiency of inspection processes thanks to the possibility of automating them and running them in batches. On the other hand, its XYZ measurement range (700 - 500 mm) is 100% adapted to the type of parts and assemblies we develop at Factor.

In addition, the Manufacturing Intelligence Enhanced Productivity approach gives us a comprehensive view of our processes, helping us to identify opportunities for improvement and optimization in real time. The machine and its control software are now fully operational in our facilities, helping us to gain a deeper understanding of our measurement data so that we can make informed decisions to optimize our manufacturing processes and deliver significant improvements to our customers.

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