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Factor impulsa la formación de las nuevas generaciones

Factor promotes the training of the new generations

The company understands that the commitment with the educational institutions and centers of its environment is fundamental and each year offers an internship exchange to Master, Degree and Dual FP students.

The collaboration between business and academia is of paramount importance for Factor, insofar as it influences the strengthening of education and the economy of the environment and drives the progress and innovation of society. 

Along these lines, the company believes that it is essential to engage with the educational institutions and centers in its environment in order to become actively involved in the local community and promote the training of future generations. "We understand that vocational schools and universities, both public and private, must always go hand in hand and create synergies. That is why our link with vocational training centers and universities is so strong," says Ana María Sánchez Escribano, Factor's People Director.

Thus, in order to enrich the educational experience, prepare young people for the world of work and help them understand its challenges, Factor offers, in a transversal way, the possibility of having the first professional experience related to the training taken and the holistic learning of what it means to be part of an organization at all levels

And, more specifically, it offers technical knowledge highly demanded in the sector and in a market lacking of professionals of these characteristics: CNC programming, handling of complex industrial machinery, automated and collaborative work systems, etc.

For this purpose, Factor manages an annual internship exchange for the areas of Production, Quality and Engineering and Maintenance. And in the rest of the areas it varies depending on the projects being carried out at any given time. "From the Innovation area with data analytics projects, Commercial with market research projects and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) optimization or the People department with occasional support in tasks of implementation and monitoring of regulations on occupational risk prevention," says Ana Maria.

Factor offers an internship program for junior profiles

This training is aimed at juniors completing their machining studies (intermediate and higher degrees) or engineering studies, preferably industrial and/or mechanical, with a master's degree specializing in disciplines related to the sector. "In recent years we have been expanding the pull of internships with profiles from different disciplines depending on the projects that have been undertaken," emphasizes Ana María.  

And most importantly, the students who do internships at Factor have many possibilities for continuity. "In the production area, if the students have had a favorable evolution, the possibilities of continuity are very high. As for the other areas, depending on various factors, the viability of each incorporation is analyzed," says the Director of People.

Specifically, in the 2023-2024 academic year, more than ten Master's, Bachelor's and Dual Vocational Training students have completed their internships in Factor's production, logistics, engineering, maintenance, innovation and commercial areas.

A student of the Master's Degree in Maintenance Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), who has completed his internship in the Maintenance Department, has rated the experience very positively: "Since I arrived, FACTOR has treated me very well. It is a respectful and fair company. Throughout my internship, all the company's staff has been very attentive at all times if I needed help. I wish the best of success to the company to which I am grateful for having allowed me to do my internship and my Master's Thesis".

Factor collaborates with the institutions and educational centers of the environment

Currently, Factor collaborates with the following institutions and educational centers: Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Escuela de Empresarios, (EDEM), Campus Cámara Valencia, Université de Technologie Tarbes, CIPFP Eduardo Merelló, Escuela Thyssen Galmed, Escuelas San José-Jesuitas, CIPFP La Laboral, CIFPI San Jaume Apostol, Centro Labora Formación Aldaia.

In addition, Factor also schedules visits for teachers and students in order to show firsthand what a day's work in the company is like. Specifically, in this academic year it has received the visit of the Xabec Vocational Training Center, the IES Alto Palancia, the San José-Jesuitas School and the PRL AIDIME Master.

In short, Factor demonstrates in its day to day an exceptional commitment to training and employability. A firm commitment to the development of talent and the creation of opportunities for new generations, which benefits every year to several young people who have the opportunity to enjoy a valuable experience in the world of work.



  • Hits: 281
Factor transforms CNC precision machining with i4Q Solutions

Factor transforms CNC precision machining with i4Q Solutions

By adopting i4Q, the company has improved the operational efficiency and positioned itself as a leader in data innovation

Factor, a leader in high-precision parts manufacturing, has successfully implemented i4Q solutions, ushering in a new era of data-driven decision-making and enhanced operational efficiency.

The i4Q project has served as a catalyst for Factor's digital transformation, empowering the company to optimize its CNC precision machining processes and drive innovation in the Industry 4.0 landscape.

Key Outcomes of i4Q Implementation

The implementation of i4Q has enabled the transformation of CNC precision machining, yielding a series of key results.

  1. Dedicated Digital Processes Team: i4Q has empowered Factor to assemble a dedicated team of experts specializing in infrastructure management, data analytics, and organizational strategy. This team ensures that Factor remains at the forefront of technological advancements and leverages data-driven insights for continuous improvement.
  2. Value-Driven Projects for Improved OEE: i4Q has fueled a series of high-impact projects aimed at enhancing Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) across Factor's manufacturing operations:
    • AutoCalidad: High-precision, real-time data acquisition and measurement for improved quality control and process qualification.
    • Tool Life Improvement: Optimization of tool life and reduction of downtime through data correlation and analysis.
    • Energy Optimizer: Significant energy consumption reduction through intelligent monitoring and optimization.
    • Data Repository: Centralized data storage from diverse sources, ensuring long-term data availability for advanced analytics and decision-making.
  3. Enhanced Infrastructure: i4Q has provided a roadmap for infrastructure enhancements, including the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, exploration of advanced industrial data communication protocols, and robust data cleansing and storage practices. This modernized infrastructure forms a solid foundation for Factor's data-driven future.

i4Q's Impact on Factor's CNC Precision Machining

The impact of i4Q on CNC precision machining has been reflected in:

  • High-Quality Data as a Strategic Asset: i4Q has emphasized the critical importance of high-quality data for effective decision-making in the context of complex, high-demanding machining processes.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Factor now leverages i4Q tools and functionalities to gather, analyze, and visualize data, enabling data-driven decisions that optimize production processes and ensure high precision.
  • Enhanced Quality and Efficiency: Specific i4Q solutions directly address Factor's core needs by improving quality control, reducing downtime, and optimizing production efficiency.
  • Scalability and Future-Proofing: i4Q offers scalable solutions that can grow with Factor's evolving needs, positioning the company for continued success in the dynamic Industry 4.0 landscape.

"Factor's experience with i4Q exemplifies the transformative potential of Industry 4.0 solutions for companies engaged in CNC precision machining and high-demanding manufacturing processes. By embracing i4Q, Factor has not only enhanced its operational efficiency but also positioned itself as a leader in data-driven innovation", highlights Alfredo Giménez Millán, Factor's Innovation Director

  • Hits: 219
Factor and the implementation of Industry 4.0.


At Factor we promote sustainable and high quality production in turning and precision machining by integrating technologies such as IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to improve efficiency, sustainability and accuracy in our processes. A firm commitment to Industry 4.0 with the mission of increasing international competitiveness, attracting innovative talent and impacting in a positive way on the environment.


Aware of the impact of industry on our planet, at Factor we have reinforced our environmental commitment in a permanent transversal search for excellence. Specifically, the strategy in the operations area related to the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies and methodologies, such as BigData or AI, are allowing us to considerably reduce energy consumption and material waste.

These results support the fact that the sustainable manufacturing we are committed to is the present of the industry. From our position, we invite other companies to join us on this path towards a greener and more prosperous future for all.


The benefits of implementing technologies linked to the Industry 4.0 concept result in greater efficiency and productivity. The quality of decision making is significantly improved and flexibility is amplified; aspects that have a decisive influence on competitiveness.

A concrete case. At Factor we have implemented real-time monitoring of operational processes. This help allows us to predict consumption and optimize certain operations, information that the technician visualizes and, intuitively, makes decisions that improve the process. In this way we simultaneously identify areas for improvement in product quality.


Both sustainability and quality go hand in hand with our relentless pursuit of results, which contribute to our ability to work with creative models of open innovation. Technology facilitates transformation, but cooperation with agents of change in the industrial ecosystem is a priority and fundamental. It plays a crucial role for Factor.

That is why we amplify our call for collaboration with Universities, Research Centers and Technological Institutions, to continue establishing alliances that bring competitive advantages and disruptive capabilities to European industries such as ours.

  • Hits: 1456
Imagen del encuentro anual 2024 de todo el equipo de Factor.

Annual #TeamFactor 2024 Meeting

Last Saturday, January 27, we hosted the traditional annual meeting of the whole Factor team, a milestone that significantly marks the beginning of each business year.

The day began with an inspiring speech by our CEO, who shared the key indicators that have guided the company's path over the last 8 years. During this presentation, we were visual witnesses of our progress, evidencing a constant and sustained growth that confirms the strength of the Factor industrial project.

In words of Fernando Gastaldo, "The strength, longevity and magnitude of the sequoias are due to the mutual support and assistance". A statement that curiously set the tone of the day.

Subsequently, the agenda led us to explore the company's strategic objectives for the next 3 years. Firstly, we will focus on open innovation connected to the knowledge environment, establishing close collaboration with universities and technology centers. This will enable us to implement and apply advanced technology in our value processes.

Secondly, we will focus our attention on the group, following the analogy of the sequoias. The objective is to strengthen the skills of each team member, fostering collaboration and collective commitment to differentiate ourselves and face the new challenges that the near future presents us with greater guarantees. Precisely, this 2023 has been a year of many changes. We have shown that we are ready to adapt to the sector's conditions and to be flexible in order to give the team the best of ourselves.

To conclude the day and before enjoying a joint lunch, the management team made up of José Gastaldo (Sales Director), Antonio Zarza (Production Director), Alfredo Gimenez (Innovation Director), Roberto Andrade (Processes Director), Mónica Grau (Quality Director), Juanjo Ocaña (Operations Director) and Ana Sánchez (People Director), shared their impressions and new projects in a "round table" open to participation, which turned out to be one of the highlights of the day.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the people and organizations that contribute to Factor's sustainability and growth. We wish you all a safe journey in this new year and we look forward to seeing you again next year!

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Factor avanza en sus procesos de innovación durante 2024

2024, a new year for Factor's innovation processes

As an industrial project in Europe, Factor faces the near future with the determination to gain in international competitiveness and adaptability to the technological challenges demanded by digital transformation.

To this end, we are immersed in a strategic plan whose main axis is called innovation, in products, processes and technologies; useful for improving solutions for our customers.

In the plan we are developing, there is a very specific line of action: the development of the Data Culture. Data in our business operations is the value that helps us to improve all business variables. Times, processes, materials, use of tools, machine availability, product quality, etc. Through data capture, analysis and visualization tools, we are able to generate the analytical capacity to improve processes and therefore, value for the customer.

One of the fundamental infrastructures for the development of this type of processes associated with ICT is the 5G. In this line, Factor collaborates with the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI) of Valencia to develop a private 5G network that will allow us to implement the applications and technologies that we are in the process of developing with better efficiency and productivity parameters.

These applications are associated, on the one hand, with the automation of the current lathes and numerical control centers, as well as new robotization projects that will help us to reduce times in preparation, loading/unloading and logistics processes. On the other hand, the low latency internal 5G network will provide our team with information and training in real time through augmented and virtual reality, as well as the necessary data for detailed analysis of industrial and business processes.

To this end, in 2023 we completed the implementation of Power BI, a Microsoft business intelligence service that has enabled us to customize new dashboards for data visualization by integrating multiple sources of information from our processes. In addition, the software helps us to make faster and more effective decisions thanks to advanced data analysis and the collaboration of team members who share these reports.

Herein lies our most important "tangible". The Factor team. Professionals who, thanks to their perseverance and ability to learn, develop an autonomous and collaborative work that allows us to improve 1% every day. This is the way. Small steps that improve our agility, the main Factor of our transformation.

  • Hits: 1793