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Fernando Gastaldo, new president of VALMETAL

The general manager of Factor, Fernando Gastaldo, has been appointed president of the Executive Committee of VALMETAL (Business Association for the Innovation in the productive processes of Metal and Related Industries of the Valencian Community), after the vote that took place this monday in the General Electoral Assembly.

The new Executive Committee of VALMETAL will be composed of:

  • Presidency: Fernando Gastaldo, Factor's General Manager.
  • Vicepresidency: Vicente Rocatí, director of AIDIMME.
  • Treasury: Empar Martínez Bonafé, general secretary of FEMEVAL.
  • Board Members:
    • Laura Orón, CEO of DYMSA Engineering.
    • Fernando Saludes, CEO of Industrias Saludes.
    • Ander Muelas, cofounder and president of Endurance Motive.
    • Miguel Calpe, general manager of Dismuntel.

The new Executive Committee assumes the commitment to develop the strategic lines of the group, with the purpose of promoting the competitiveness and growth of the sector, promoting collaboration and boosting innovation and the future of the metal sector.

Fernando Gastaldo has indicated that “it is an honor to assume this responsibility, I am fully committed to the values and objectives of VALMETAL. Together with the new committee, we will work to foster digital transformation, promote talent and training in the sector, promote growth and cooperation throughout the value chain and open up new market opportunities at a technological and geographical level”.