Factor promotes the improvement in the selection of people with VET Centers in Valencia

Ana María Sánchez, responsible for the people area in Factor, gave last Monday May 29th a first training workshop with the aim of promoting a better harmony with the VET teachers in Valencia regarding career guidance and selection processes of their students.
Lorena Benlliure Fabregat, Vocational Training Prospector of the Generalitat (Cefire Sagunto); Amparo Duro and Eva Gómez, FOL teachers of the Eduardo Merello Institute of Puerto de Sagunto; visited our facilities to participate in this meeting. With them we were able to share our approach to help students improve their skills when, for example, preparing their CV, preparing for job interviews and knowing the selection processes linked to the industrial environment.
With this initiative, Factor aims to promote better ways of communication and collaboration with Vocational Training Centers and Institutes, as they are key agents in the process of transferring knowledge and professional skills to the industry. Throughout our experience in the selection and management of people, we understand that FOL teachers are a key piece in this system of gears, because they are the ones who guide the boys/girls professionally on what training to choose or how to focus their professional career.
This workshop is but a "pilot" of a project that we would like to develop in the Community. We want to bring the industrial reality of Factor, as a reference company in the field of intelligent manufacturing, closer to the development of quality employment in collaboration with vocational training centers. Thus, and in this first contact, the experience could not have been more satisfactory.
Thank you Lorena, Amparo and Eva for your involvement and generosity. We will continue!