Factor is moving towards Industry 5.0 with the “Smart Machine” project

Factor Ingeniería y Decoletaje, SL, has received a grant from the Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación (AVI) within the program “Consolidación de la cadena de valor empresarial 2024”, to develop the project “Smart Machine”.
The main objective of this project is to create an advanced platform for Industry 5.0, enabling intelligent interaction between humans and machines through technologies such as Sparkplug protocol, Augmented Reality and Language Models (LLM).
In 2024, research on emerging technologies and HMI interoperability has been completed, and progress has been made in the development of Sparkplug middleware, intelligent agents and platform design.
This innovative project, funded by the European Union, reflects our commitment to technological innovation and industrial excellence, marking a milestone on the road to a connected industry.